Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can you tell me, sir, what TYPE of gas you have?

We just got our new washer and dryer, it's installed and ready to go! So we thought...

After a couple of loads, we realized that when we put the dryer on one of the self-timed cycles, it took well over two HOURS to dry a modest-sized load. Crap. What else can go wrong? We had problems with the washer too, so time to call for warranty repairs...

The technicians come out, of course when Iti is at work. Poor Gringo me, trying to talk to the repair guys. I manage to convey that "it's broke, don't work". OK, step 1 out of the way. They start asking me a bunch of questions, but after awhile I get the gist of it. They want to know what kind of gas we have.


The guy's trying to tell me that there are TWO types of gas service, where the gas has a different consistency. The dryer has an option of two valves: one will work fine with one type of gas, but if you have the other, it won't let enough gas through and the temperature will be too low.

Crap, how do I find out what type of gas I have???

I call Iti (on her way home), she suggests I call downstairs and ask the security guard. OK, but talking to the repair guy I came to understand there are two options: "natural gas" and "mumble-ty-oomph". No idea what he was saying for the second. I call the security guy, and I'm pretty sure it's NOT natural gas we have. OK, great, they need to change the valve.

When looking at the washer, they also find that there was a safety bolt that should have been removed by the plumber who installed it. Bolt still there, the agitator couldn't move freely. They threatened us with not honoring the warranty because we apparently had a trained monkey install it wrong, but in the end they "did us a favor" and did the work, didn't write up our ineptitude.

Now you tell me: who ever heard of two types of gas service? How were we supposed to know? Is it REALLY that hard for a country to standardize on one type of gas? Really people? Come on, work with me! I'm amazed they don't have multiple types of electric: 110 AC, 220 AC, DC... How about several plumbing standards for houses? Use any of these 17 diameter pipes! It's all good!! Jeez.

This makes for one very frustrated Chicago Gringo in Mexico...


chewie said...

2 kinds of electricity? like 110/220? Kinda like we have in the US you mean?! :)

Tony Klein said...

Yeah, but the way they'd do it down here: one house would have nothing but 110, another nothing but 220, a third would have both in your living room. THAT'S what I meant :)

Jared Buckner said...

To be fair, we have two kinds of gas as well: natural gas and propane. They have significantly different compression coefficients, so the regulators have to be different. Usually it's just a case of swapping out the regulator.

Here almost all houses have standardized on natural gas and only portables (grills, campers, etc...) use propane. I have no idea if this is the difference in MX.

Unknown said...

How did you decide on the original installer? It wasn't arranged by the place you bought the washer/dryer?

You should have offered them some Chamucos, then they would have hooked you up :)